Saturday, September 22, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

O'Leary, Kevin "The Legacy of Proposition 13" Time U.S. Time 27 June 2009. Web. 21 Sept 2012. <,8599,1904938,00.html>

The author, Kevin O'Leary, speaks about the financial crisis in California being due to the passage of proposition 13. Prop. 13 was a anti-tax measure over property-tax assesements that was passed in 1978, and including a 2/3 vote requirement for the passage of any new taxes in California. Because of this proposition passing California can not supply the budget needed for state services including higher education and public schools. Due to the recession many indiviuals survive off of state funding, while working and going to school. This article relates to proposition 30 because its a tax measure in California that needs to get passed in order to get some balance back into the education system.

Carnevale, Anthony P. "The Real Education Crisis is Just Over The Cliff" The Chronicle of Higher Education N.p. 10 June 2012. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. <>

The author, Anthony P. Carnevale, who is the director of the Georgetown University Center on Education discusses how the lack of investment that the U.S. is putting towards higher education is only hurting themselves for the future. If we continue at this rate not only will our education systems be beyond repair, but so will the state of our nation. The government has not only been cutting funds from post-secondary schools, but they have also cut the budget of Pell Grants and are messing with student loans. Most people rely on these loans and grants for schooling. Carnevale also explains how the rate of jobs requiring college degrees and education has exceeded the number of college graduates more and more each year. The article relates directly to the importance of Proposition 30 and how essential it is for future funding in California schools.

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